Deanna McLaughlin
Education and Licensure
Bachelor's Degree: Virginia State University / Interdisciplinary
Master’s Degree: Liberty University / School Administration K-12
Licensing: Special Education K-12
School Administration K-12
I am pleased to join the FCMS staff for the 2024-2025 school year. I have a unique background in education. I started in central Virginia in special education as a middle school inclusion teacher and a reading teacher. I then moved to elementary education as a classroom teacher grades 4 and 5.
I moved to southern VA and began teaching at an alternative school serving students with special needs. I then moved into school administration where I was an assistant principal in a comprehensive high school in southern VA.
My driving life force in education is Truth and Possibilities. If you tell students the truth about the world in which they live, they can then be more receptive to the endless possibilities that are available to them. The sky is no longer the limit!
Let’s all be a HERO for our children……Here, Every Day, Ready, and On Time!